

Posted on Oct 21, 2023 by William L. Bowie
Web Master Solutions

In the ever-evolving world of web design and development, keeping your website up to date, user-friendly, and feature-rich can be a daunting task. That's where Jetboost comes to your rescue. If you're a Webflow user, this no-code sidekick is about to become your new best friend. With Jetboost, you can enhance your website with real-time search, dynamic filtering, item favoriting, and more, all without writing a single line of code. Let's dive into how Jetboost can transform your Webflow projects and why it's garnering the attention of thousands of professionals.

Your No-Code Webflow Sidekick

Real-time Search at Your Fingertips

Your website visitors expect to find what they're looking for quickly and easily. Native Webflow search is a good start, but what if you want to search within a specific section of your website, like a single CMS list, without indexing the entire site? Jetboost brings you the magic of instant, on-page search, and it works in real-time as you type. This feature is not just for static lists; it seamlessly integrates with paginated lists, making it a robust solution for your content-hungry audience.

Dynamic Filters Made Effortless

Your website's content might be grouped into categories, tags, or other classifications that you'd like to make filterable. While JavaScript plugins like Mixitup can do this, they can be a coding nightmare. Webflow users choose to work without writing code, and Jetboost ensures that even dynamic filters can be added to your site with ease. With the Dynamic Filters Booster, you can set up these filters in minutes, not days or weeks, simplifying your site's user experience.

A Dream Come True: Item Favoriting

Allowing your website visitors to favorite or bookmark items can be a daunting task, often riddled with complex logic, errors, and wasted hours. Jetboost's Favorite CMS Items Booster brings your dreams to life. No complex setup, no errors to fret over, and absolutely no code to write. Plus, it seamlessly integrates with Memberstack, MemberSpace, and Outseta, making it a powerful tool to enhance user engagement and experience on your site.

What Customers Are Saying

Jetboost has been a game-changer for countless professionals. Here are some testimonials from satisfied users:

  • Ivanska Carrillo from says, "We love Jetboost; it's definitely what Webflow sites need right now. We see a constant need for filters. Really like how easy and powerful it is."

  • Connor Finlayson of exclaims, "I just implemented Jetboost's Search Filter! Real-time search on all my Webflow pages. This will allow me to bring on heaps of additional freelancers!!! Thanks for the support and an epic product."

  • Tyrel Johnson, VP of Digital Marketing, shares his wisdom: "If you're building anything on Webflow, I recommend checking out Jetboost. Such a powerful tool that is far easier to implement than the alternatives."

Effortless Step-by-Step Setup

Tired of spending hours trying to debug code from obscure internet sources? Jetboost's visual editor simplifies the process of adding powerful features to your site. You can effortlessly connect Webflow to manage all your projects easily, making your web development tasks a breeze.

Ready to Save Time and Effort on Your Next Webflow Project?