

Posted on Oct 17, 2023 by William L. Bowie
Project Management

Managing time efficiently can be the key to personal and professional success. TimeNavi, a revolutionary time tracking tool, streamlines the process and makes it a breeze. No more toggling between calendars, project management platforms, and other tools. With TimeNavi, you can seamlessly analyze and manage your time directly from your Google Calendar, simplifying your life and boosting your productivity.

Try It For Free

TimeNavi offers a user-friendly and risk-free experience. You can explore its features without needing a credit card. Simply click on "Try It For Free" and embark on a journey towards effective time management.

Trusted by Industry Leaders

Before diving into the myriad benefits of TimeNavi, let's take a moment to acknowledge some of the industry giants that rely on this tool for their time tracking needs. Companies like Spotify, Loom, Uber, HubSpot, and Twilio have chosen TimeNavi, attesting to its credibility and effectiveness.

Benefits of TimeNavi

TimeNavi brings numerous advantages to the table, making it a must-have tool for professionals and organizations seeking to optimize their time management.

Increase Profits with Project Time Tracking

One of the key benefits of TimeNavi is its ability to provide time clarity and financial control. By closely monitoring your team's time allocation, you gain insights into precisely how many hours have been invested in each project. You can break this down by team member, project, or client, all in real-time. This real-time analysis replaces outdated time tracking spreadsheets, offering a more efficient approach to project and client management.

Export Google Calendar to Sheets

TimeNavi takes your Google Calendar data to the next level. By exporting this information to spreadsheets, you can delve deeper into the intricacies of your schedules. This grants you and your team greater transparency regarding past, present, and future projects and clients. The result? Enhanced decision-making, with your previously messy calendar data transformed into clear action points. TimeNavi offers you the choice to view your time within its user-friendly dashboard or export it to a spreadsheet for further analysis.

Quick and Accurate Invoices and Salaries

With TimeNavi's employee time tracking feature, invoicing and salary calculations become quicker and more accurate. You can even grant your clients or team members access to the hours included in their invoices or salaries, promoting transparency and trust. Say goodbye to manual hour counting – TimeNavi takes care of it for you.

Why Choose TimeNavi

Join the community of over 250,000 individuals and teams who have embraced TimeNavi as their time tracking solution. Still not convinced? Here's what one of TimeNavi's satisfied users, Chris Woodley, Director at Colab Digital UK, had to say:

"I can't put into words how much we love TimeNavi. Time tracking spreadsheets are now completely out of the window, thank God!"

Pricing Plans

TimeNavi offers flexible pricing plans to cater to a variety of users. Whether you're just starting or managing a large team, there's a plan for you.

Monthly Plans:

  • Free: Ideal for beginners, with two activities and the ability to track time for the current week.
  • Standard: Designed for individuals and small teams, including advanced features like multiple calendars, historical access, and more, for $15 per month.
  • Premium: Tailored for larger teams, offering even more calendars and historical access, along with advanced roles-based access, for $50 per month.

Annual Plans (2 months free!):

  • Free: $0/year.
  • Standard: $150/year.
  • Premium: $500/year.


If you're interested in a demo or have any questions about TimeNavi, the team is readily available to assist you. You can reach out to them at [email protected].

With TimeNavi, you can elevate your time management and boost your productivity to new heights. Take the first step towards a more organized and efficient future by trying TimeNavi for free today.