

Posted on Oct 08, 2023 by William L. Bowie
Artificial Intelligence is a powerful solution designed to transform the way users interact with your website and blog content, helping you achieve these goals.

With, you can enhance user engagement and reduce bounce rates without breaking a sweat. The installation process is quick and easy, taking only 2 minutes. But what exactly is, and how does it work?

How Works seamlessly integrates with popular website builders like Wix, Squarespace, WordPress, Webflow, and Weebly. Here's a step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Add Script to Your Website: Copy and paste a single line of HTML code onto your web pages. This quick setup instantly enables live link previews across your entire website, blog, or e-commerce store.

  2. See Linked Content on Click: offers immersive previews on click, providing rich link previews for over 1000+ URLs, including platforms like YouTube, SoundCloud, Instagram, and more. Say goodbye to the hassle of opening multiple tabs – your visitors can now explore linked content without leaving your site.

  3. Link Previews on Hover: Hover over hyperlinks to get a sneak peek of linked content. This feature enables a seamless browsing experience, allowing your users to quickly assess if the linked content interests them.

  4. Article Link Previews: For articles, blog posts, guides, and tutorials, extracts linked text content and displays it within your website. This not only keeps users engaged but also provides them with instant contextual information.

(Un)Expected Benefits delivers a wide range of benefits, making it a must-have for website owners and bloggers:

Longer Visitor Engagement

Websites using typically experience a 30% increase in users' session length, a significant drop in bounced visitors, and lower exit rates.

Better SEO Rankings

Search engines love hyperlinks. With, you can confidently add as many links as you like without worrying about visitors clicking away. Immersive link previews ensure that users stay engaged and your SEO ranking improves.

Superior User Experience

Link previews offer visitors instant contextual information right on your website, enhancing their overall browsing experience.

Faster Website Loading

By replacing YouTube, Slideshare, Twitter embeds with lazy-loaded immersive link previews, you'll notice an immediate boost in loading speed, ensuring that users don't experience frustrating delays.

Integrates with All Website Builders seamlessly integrates with the most popular website builders, including Webflow, Wix, WordPress, and Weebly, making it accessible to a wide range of users. Cares About Your Website

  • Blazingly Fast: employs intelligent caching methods to deliver lightning-fast popups and link previews.

  • Improves Performance: Use to optimize website performance by lazy-loading videos and widgets, further enhancing the user experience.

  • Privacy-Focused: Rest assured,'s smart popups do not collect any user information.

  • No Third-Party Scripts: Unlike some other tools, doesn't include any tracking scripts, ensuring the privacy of your users.

Ready to transform your website's user experience and engagement? Install now and watch as your bounce rates plummet, and user engagement soars.